Tips for traveling with celiac disease

Traveling as a celiac can be an exciting experience, but it also requires extra precautions. Here are some recommendations to make your trip safe and …

Asturias gluten-free: a 5-day route

If you are planning to travel to our land, Asturias, this summer and need gluten-free options, you are in luck! Here’s an itinerary that combines …

What is soy allergy and how to avoid it?

What is soy and soy allergy?
Soy is a legume present in many foods, such as sauces, soups, sausages, breads, cereals, vegetable milk, tofu, tempeh, …

navidad sin gluten

Gluten free Christmas

The Christmas season is one of the most anticipated times of the year, but it’s also one of the most challenging for individuals following a …